Step 2 - File



Filing a Motion


You will learn:          


             1.  Which forms to file.
             2.  How to file.
             3.  How to give notice.


1.  Forms


All Forms



Just Your Request


1. Motion(s) to Modify
  • Parenting Time - JDF 1406:   PDF   |   WORD
  • Decision Making - JDF 1415:   PDF   |   WORD
  • Child Support - JDF 1403:   PDF Fillable   |   WORD


2.  Affidavit - JDF 1416
  • PDF   |   WORD
  • Lists the facts that support your request.


3.  Parenting Plan - JDF 1113
  • PDF FIllable   |   WORD
  • Tells the court what you want the new parenting plan to be.


4. Order(s) - Just fill out the Case Caption
  • Parenting Time - JDF 1424:   PDF Fillable   |   WORD
  • Decision Making - JDF 1417:   PDF   |   WORD
  • Child Support - JDF 1405:   PDF   |   WORD


5.  Fee Waiver Request - JDF 205 & 206   (Optional)



Joint Request


1. Stipulation(s) to Modify
  • Parenting Time - JDF 1423:   PDF   |   WORD
  • Decision Making - JDF 1415:   PDF   |   WORD
  • Child Support - JDF 1404:   PDF   |   WORD


2.  Affidavit - JDF 1416
  • PDF   |   WORD
  • Lists the facts that support your request.


3.  Parenting Plan - JDF 1113
  • PDF FIllable   |   WORD
  • Tells the court what you want the new parenting plan to be.


4. Order(s) - Just fill out the Case Caption
  • Parenting Time - JDF 1424:   PDF Fillable   |   WORD
  • Decision Making - JDF 1417:   PDF   |   WORD
  • Child Support - JDF 1405:   PDF   |   WORD
5.  Fee Waiver Request - JDF 205 & 206   (Optional)




Learn More  –  Filling Out Forms


2.  Terms




The parent who started the case.




The parent who responded after the case was first filed.


Filing Jointly


The parents agree to the changes together.  This can save time and money for all.




The term for giving a copy of your paperwork to the other parent.



3.  File the Paperwork


File Where?


File into the same case that issued the Parenting Plan.


  Court Finder Tool


What do I Pay?


To Reopen the Case
  • $105.  Or,
  • File a Motion to Waive Fees - JDF 205.  Also file - JDF 206.
  • Note - Fees cannot be waived if E-Filing.


Efiling Fees

For electronic filings only.

  • $12 for each submission.
  • $7.50+ Service Fee.


How do I File?


By Mail
  • Pay by check.


At the Courthouse
  • Pay with cash, check, or card. 
  • Check your Court for card types accepted.


By E-Filing
  • Set up an account.
  • Only available in some counties.
  • Pay by card.
  • You cannot waive fees if filing electronically.



4.  Give a Copy

Skip this step if you are filing jointly.


You must send a copy of the paperwork to the other parent. By

  • Mail,
  • Hand-delivery, or,
  • E-Service.
    • Only done if the paperwork was submitted by e-filing.


Next Steps


Next  –     Hearing Prep


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