Learn More - Filling Out Forms

You will learn:          


             1.  The parts of the form.
             2.  How to fill out each part.


1.  Case Caption


The information found in the boxes on the top of the first page of every form.

Court Address
  • Check "District Court" for family law cases. 
  • Enter the Court's address.


Type of Case
  • Only some forms have this section.
  • The Marriage of = Divorce
  • The Civil Union of = Divorce
  • Parental Responsibilities Concerning = Custody

Parties' Names
  • The Petitioner is the person who starts the case.
  • Co-Petitioner is the other person in the case.
    • Only used when the parties jointly filed.
  • The Respondent is the person who responds to the case.
  • Whoever was Petitioner when the case was first filed, will always be Petitioner.

Your Information

The contact information for the person filling out the form. 

  • Don't worry about "fax" or "Atty. Reg. #."


Case ID
  • Leave this section blank if this is the first filing to start the case.
  • For any other filing, fill in the case number. 
  • Some counties only assign a courtroom, a division, or both to a case.


  • This box is the title of the form.
  • General Guide: Titles should be five words or less. 

2.  Form's Contents


Fill out every blank. 
  • If a section doesn't apply, enter no, none, 0 (zero), or N/A.


Use plain language. 
  • Do NOT use Latin or old school legal terminology.


Be clear. 
  • The Judge should always know what you want within a couple of sentences. 
  • Provide facts and/or law that help your argument. 
  • Do not narrate.


Be on Topic.
  • Provide information that is relevant to that form. 


Sign & Date the form. 
  • Some forms may require a clerk or notary public to witness your signature. 


3.  Certificate of Service

  • This section lets the court know:
    • When you sent the copy,
    • How you sent the copy, and
    • To whom you sent a copy.

Note - Some forms have the Certificate of Service section inside the body of the form.


Let the Court know the date you sent a copy to the other party.

  • It must be the same day, or earlier, from when you file the form with the Court. 



Let the Court know how you sent the document. Non-attorneys may:

  • Deliver a copy in-person.
  • Mail a copy by regular mail. 
  • Through Colorado Courts Efiling
    • Only in some counties


To Whom


For each person you sent a copy, enter their name and address.

  • You must send a copy to all of the parties in the case.
    • If a party has a lawyer, send their copy to their lawyer.




  • Make sure you sign to let the Judge know you provided the copy.